Wednesday, October 04, 2006

More Key Words

'A' List - The most soughtafter and popular Hollywaood actors, cast byt film producers with the aim of securing a large audience and the film's commercial success.

Uma Thurman, Lucy Liu, David Carradine, etc... would be classified under the 'A' list.

Antagonist - The principal opposing figure or villian in a narrative, set in binary opposition agaisnt the progagonist.

The villian would be David Carradine Bill (Snake Charmer). However, even though Uma Thurman 'Beatrix Kiddo/The Bride (Black Mamba)' is set out to kill bill he would be our main villian but however hes not the only villian... Lucy Liu O-Ren Ishii (Cottonmouth) (archive footage)... Michael Madsen Budd (Sidewinder)... and Daryl Hannah Elle Driver (California Mountain Snake).

Anti-narrative - A text that challenges the traditional idea of sequential linear narravtive by using flashbacks, unrelated images and altered time sequences.

Kill Bill has a non linear narrative and uses many flasshbacks, for example when Uma was telling Bill why she had ran away from him with his baby, as we go into a flashback where she founds out when she was pregnant.

BCU - A close-up camera shot, particularly of an actor's face, showing prominent detial and facial expressions as a means of creating intimacy and audience engagaement with the thoughts and emotions of the character.

Tarantino uses lots of close-ups in Kill Bill to show the facial expressins of his character for example when Uma Thurman saw her child was alive in the final chapter of Kill Bill, she startede to cry and was in shock.

Femme Fatale - IN freanch film noir theory, a female character who uses her sexuality, often in devious, disreputable, secretive ways, to achieve the ends she desires.

Kill Bill doesn't have the femme fatale which normally is most films, as women in Kill Bill ar erpesented as dominant and strong instaed of 'damsel in distress' or a 'femme fatale'.

Flashback - A scene in a film which disrupts the chronological narrtive by going backward in time ro recall past events.

Tarantino uses qiute a few flashbacks to tell the story and events and how it had lead to Uma wanting to kill bill.

Gender - Psychological and cultural aspects of behaviour associated with masculinity and feminity, acquired through socialisation, in accordance with the expectations of a particular society.

Representation - The process whereby the media construct versions of people, places and events in images, words or sounds for transmission through media texts to an audience.

Representation is very important to my study because women are represented with a higher position than men and Kill Bill challenges the traditional leadiong roles in action films, which tend to be men.

Director - the individual responsible for the overall creation of a film, including the mise-en-scene and the structuring of individual shots and with artistic control over the film's final appearance, including the way in which it is edited and constructed.

Homage - when one film director pays tribute to another including images, scenes or stylistic features typical of the other director as an acknowledgment of his/her influence and importance.


Blogger Charlies Angels-Full Throttle said...

hey kiranjit

I was wondering whether you wanted to be my blog buddy because your blog links with mine quite well.

Yoe talk about representation on women which is relevent and linked to my independent study.

Aslo 1 of your text is on charlies angels full throttle and thats my main text i will be using so this links together.

You also have similar key words that i have and so out independent study topic is similar.

Dnt no whether you already have a blog buddy (inform me)

Heena xxx

7:12 pm  

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